Monday, December 28, 2009

How do u get rid of dandruff if dandruff shampoo dosent work?

dandruff limits hair growth, so it's best to consider an anti-dandruff shampoo if you have them. ... olive oil and almond oil also work. trust me it worksHow do u get rid of dandruff if dandruff shampoo dosent work?
what kind of shampoo did you try? did you try mulitple kinds? T-gel or tea tree oil works well...try them. You can go to a salon and ask what they suggest- they should have been trained in the topic.How do u get rid of dandruff if dandruff shampoo dosent work?
apply coconut oil or mustard oil nicely in your

hair and massage it nicely.

wash it the next day.
As a stylist, I recommend you first see a doctor to determine whether it is truely dandruff. There is a difference between dry scalp and dandruff, although the symptoms are similar. Dandruff is a bacteria, dry scalp is usually caused from the environmental elements and/or pruduct allergies. If you have determined that it is true dandruff, and dandruff shampoo hasn't worked, I suggest these homeopathic remedies: Pure Essential Tea Tree Oil applied to the scalp a few times a week, not rinsed out. Tea Tree Oil has antibacterial properties which will support the scalp with its healing process. I would also suggest switching to all hypoallergenic haircare products. After the dandruff has subsided, you make start slowly incorporating other products back into your daily regimine. I say slowly because it may have been one of those products which caused the dandruff. I hope my advice will prove true.:) Peace
dandruff is the result of dry hair and scalp. after washing, deep condition (leave it in for 3 minutes) if that does not help, you can make your own ';conditioner'; mash up 1/2 of an avocado and *** 3tsp. of honey and 1/2 tsp of e.v.o.o. leave that in in your hair after washing it for about 5 minutes. rinse out thuray. repeat this about every other day untill it goes away. you can also add coconut oil instead of evoo
try getting shampoo that is perscribed by a doctor
Go to a dermatoligist and he will tell you what to do. If you are only using one certain kind of shampoo, I suggest you try T-Gel instead of the one that isn't helping.

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