Friday, December 18, 2009

What will happen if you use anti-dandruff shampoo on normal hair?

I used to have a dandruff problem years ago. Yet my family and I still use head and shoulders shampoo. Should I change it? What do anti-dandruff shampos do to your hair? Are they harsh? What will happen if you use anti-dandruff shampoo on normal hair?
Head and Shoulders is very harsh on hair, it contains lots of Sulfate and people use it when they have dyed their hair a colour they dislike because it gradually strips the colour, I would recommend swapping your shampoo, maybe with a brand such as Aubrey Organics :)What will happen if you use anti-dandruff shampoo on normal hair?
its more healthy for your hair cuz it makes your scalp healthier and then you have healthier hair. i don't have dandruff asnd i use head and shoulders
There should be a phone number on the bottle to call for questions.
no, they dnt do nuffin 2 yer hair...if u keepn usn dem den dey m8k ur hair betta. if u use sum uda 1nz den u myt get dandruff again!
If it worked well before and didn't cause any irritation at all then stick with it
It wont do anything(: just make it smell good.
nothing just extra moisture :DD
nothing, but if your worried buy you own

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